
PEP-Web är ett fristående hemsida med egen inloggning. Medlemmar kan ej avsäga sig avgiften för PEP.

Vår kontaktperson är Athena, VI meddelar Athena vid tekniska fel eller frågor. 

Om medlem hör av sig ang inloggning, så finns en pärm i SPAF skåp bakom Cecilia där oförändrade konton finns listade. Om medlemmen gjort ändringar så finns en beskrivning i Uppgifter - Kansli som heter "SPAF - PEP". Där finner du instruktioner du kan kopiera och skicka till kunden. Du ser dem även nedan:

Instructions for retrieving a forgotten username and/or password:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on ‘Login’ at the top right corner
  3. The blank ‘Login’ boxes will appear, below these boxes you will see a section labeled ‘Can't remember your username and/or password?’ Read the instructions you will find there and then click on, ‘please click here,’ a new window will open taking you to PaDS. Click on the button labeled ‘Click here’ which appears next to the words, ‘Forgotten your Username/Password?’ 
  4. Another box will then appear, asking you to enter your email address (please note, the email address you enter MUST be the one that PEP has on record for you). After you enter your email address, press “Send.” Within a few minutes your username and password will be emailed to you. To verify that you have done this correctly, at the bottom of the screen you will see a message that says, “Your username and password has been sent to your registered email address.”
  5. If you do not receive this email, it might be because it is getting caught in your spam filter. So please make sure to add the following email address to your allow/safe list:

Example of an email sent via this service:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 06 February 2009 10:28
Subject: PaDS Resend Password Email
Your User Name is: AFreud
Your Password is: access101
Kind regards from Pads customer services


Vi har tillgång till admin-login på PEP web så att vi kan gå in och ladda ner listor samt lägga till nya medlemmar.

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